7 de juny 2009


Scaredy Squirrel, by Canadian artist Mélanie Watt.

Published in English by KIDS CAN PRESS.

Scaredy squirrel is the first of four adventures from this neurotic and funny creature.

Scaredy squirrel never leaves his nut tree.

Staying in his safe tree is the only thing he prefers.
He is so afraid of the UNKNOWN!

Scaredy squirrel ( L´esquirol poruc ) , de l´artista canadiense Mélanie Watt

Publicat en anglès per KIDS CAN PRESS.

Scaredy Squirrel és el primer títol dels quatre sobre aquest esquirol neuròtic i divertit.

L´esquirol poruc li agrada viure dins del seu arbre, té tot el necessari per a sobreviure i no li cal sortir a l´extrior... Sap que allà fora hi ha moltes coses que li fan por...

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