El globus de la Violeta
Glòria Falcón.
Sd edicions,2008.
"La Violeta surt a passejar amb el seu globus..."
Des del primer moment em va agradar aquest petit format, aquesta petita història...
Simple. Delicada. Genial el joc de colors i tècnica.
Preciós el comportament de dos personatges que es troben i amb paraules justes i clares s´ajuden i segueixen el seu camí.
Violeta´s balloon
Glòria Flacón.
Sd edicions, 208.
I liked this tiny book and little but great story from the first time I saw it.
Simple. Delicate. With good mixture of colours and graphic technique.
I appreciate as a reader e and teacher the kind behaviour between two characters: the little girl called Violeta and a cat that passed by her way.
Violeta is in trouble and the cat helps her. That´s it, two characetrs that meet and say fair words to each other.
Gracias por compartir este hermoso libro!!
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The illustrations are eye-catching. And sometimes simple works best of all.