( El temps té ales i vola)
Primera publicació a Israel.
Es tracta d´un conte escrit i il.lustrat per la Jenny Meilikhove.
Traducció de l´hebreu a l´anglès per Allan Pakes.
Es tracta d´un conte molt especial que em va arribar fa poc de Jerusalem, i que tant debò el tinguéssim arreu de les llibreries catalanes traduït al català, al castellà...tant se val...
Els pares de l´Emily sempre estaven massa ocupats.
Mai tenien temps suficient per a jugar,
així que, un dia , l´Emily va sortir a trobar algú amb qui poder jugar.
A partir d´aquest instant la petita Emily pensa com anar a buscar el preuat Temps i repartir-lo a tothom que no té suficient temos per jugar!
Un conte preciós per al nens i nenes i els seus pares, mares/tutors...Per pensar en la importància que representa el poder jugar. Essencial, un dret que els infants tenen i mereixen.
( Si voleu conèixer els projectes de l´artista)
Time has wings and it flies.
First published in Israel
Text and illustrations by Jenny Meilikhove.
Transaltion from Hebrew to English by Allan Pakes.
Emily had parents who were aways busy.
They never had time to play, so one day Emily
went out to find someone to play with.
Then, this little girl thinks about a good plan in order to catch the Time and to give everyone a little more of it.
This is a precious tale for children and their parents.
One more time it will make grow-ups realise how important is the fact of playing during the childhood with others. It is a right they have and deserve.
( To know other projects about this artist)
Well done Stel.la! This book is made with love.
ResponEliminaIt's funny how sometimes I don't have TIME to play with my daughter... because I have to create books and games for other children...
Life is a joke anyway...
Let's find always the right thing to do, that lies in our whole heart.
Wonderful illustrations!