1 de set. 2009

El rei que desitjava el Temps...

El rei que desitjava el Temps...

de la Règine Joséphine

i il.lustrat per la Selma Mandine.

Publicat per Claret kids,2008.

"Temps era temps en què el Temps no existia, no e sfeia mai ni de dia ni d enit.

La llum brillava eternament, sense apagar-se mai."

Un conte poètic amb unes il.lustracions càlides i difuminades.
Una meravella pels sentits.
Una història sobre la importància del temps, del pas de les estacions, i d´assaborir el dia a dia.

Le roi qui désirait le Temps... (The king who desired the Time),
written by Régine Joséphine and illustrated by Selma Mandine.
French version published by Genko Editions,2008.

This book, so poetically written and beautifully illustrated tells the story of an unsatisfied King who desires to take control of the Time...
A spectacular story which reminds us the importance of the Time, its seasonal moments and the pleasure to enjoy life.

This is a trully delight to your senses.

2 comentaris:

  1. What amazing illustrations! Thanks for sharing!

    All the best,

  2. Selma Mandine has an incredible univers called "petiteselma". It´s so worthy!

