23 de jul. 2014

if you want to see a whale

if you want to see a whale
words by Julie Fogliano
pictures by Erin E. Stead
Roaring Brook Press, 2013

Fa just un any que vaig rescatar aquesta balena, (vivia en una ciutat sense blaus ni verds,
sense mar).
Mentrestant, jo vaig esperar i esperar . . . ,
fins que, després d'alguna distracció, em va semblar que la podria veure, o no.
if you want to see a whale
you will need a window
and an ocean
and time for waiting
and time for looking
and time for wondering "is that a whale?"
and time for realizing "no, it's just a bird"
if you want to see a wahle
there's no time to watch the pelican
who may or may not be smiling
while sitting, satring, looking out
I així se'n van els versos d'aquest poema en calma, perdut en l'oceà.
if you want to see a whale
keep both eyes on the sea
and wait . . .
and wait . . .

and wait . . .

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