8 de set. 2019

The Beast of Monsieur Racine

The Beast of Monsieur Racine
Un curtmetratge dirigit per Gene Deitch,
basat en el llibre The beast of Monsieur Racine de Tomi Ungerer i publicat l'any 1971 per Farrar, Strauts and Giroux. L'any 2014 el segell Phaidon el reedità. I aquesta tardor Blackie Books ens l'aproparà, aquest senyor Racine!

Monsieur Racine wakes up one day to find his precious pear tree looted of all the award-winning fruit. When he discovers that the culprit is funny-looking beast, his anger gives way to curiosity and two become friends. But the beast is not quite what it seems, eventually it comes apart-literally to show itself to be no beast at all, but the two playful children from next door, covered with skins and rags.

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