Tales are the best present I can get.
I was very happy to see my American friend Andrea again ,after two years and , I was very excited when she gave me some of her favourite childhood tales.
I appreciate so much when someone wants to share whatever, especially treasury tales and books that have had a huge significance in our lives.
Now I would like to share them with those who are not very familiar with what these authors have written and the way illustrators have made their work.
Here are the selection I got:
"The little house", by Virginia Lee Burton.
"Cordbury", by Don Freeman.
"Alexander and the terrible, horrible, no good, very bad day", by Judith Viorist and Ray Cruz.
"I Just forgot", by Mercer Mayer.
"Lyle, Lyle, Crocodile", by Bernard Waber.
and the big book called...
"Panda bear, panda bear,what do you see?", by Bill Martin and Eric Carle.A cute and interesting variety of tales!
El millor regal que em poden fer mai és un conte. Però sobretot, aquells que algú acostumava a llegir de petita i tenen un significat especial.
I això és el que portava dins la maleta de viatge, la meva millor amiga americana, l´Andrea, una selecció dels seus contes preferits d´infantesa.
Em van encantar. I em sembla molt interessant que conegueu altres variants, altres autors i il.lustradors, que segons l´ època i les circumstàncies històriques han escrit sobre uns temes o uns altres.
Aquí en teniu la selecció:
"Lyle, lyle , crocodile", Bernard Waber.
"I just forgot", Mercer Mayer.
"Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No good, Very bad day", Judith Viorist i Ray Cruz.
"Cordburoy", Don Freeman.
"The little house", Virginia Lee Burton.
i el gran llibre il.lustrat ...
"Panda bear, panda bear, what can you see?, Eric Carle.
Són tots ells ben variats i preciosos!!
Old books are our lost treasure, something that remids us neverending moments of dreams, innocence... our childhood!
merci per l'interès! avui també serem per allà una estoneta... fins aviat ;)