The little red fish by Taeeun Yoo.
Published by Dial Books for young readers, 2007.
Taeeun Yoo earned her master´s degree from the School of Visual Arts, where she created this valuable picture book for her graduate thesis.
The book is magically made with pen and inks, watercolor wash. Rich with shadows and spider delicate figures.
The cloth-covered and handsewn pages capture the attention to detail and craft found within.
Jeje´s grandfather was a librarian at an old library in the middle of the forest.
One day he allowed Jeje to come along with him, and Jeje brought his friend the little red fish.
Magic things can happen in the library when the boy falls asleep... and wakes in the moonlight to find that his little red fish has disappeared.
So Jeje decides to travel beyond...
El petit peixet vermell de Taeeun Yoo.
Publicat per Dial Books , 2007.
Com a projecte de tesi la Taeeun Yoo va crear aquesta meravella de llibre il.lustrat.
És un llibre on l´ i la tinta i l´ús acurat de les ombres, donen vida a personatges i ambients que recorden la sensibilitat i tradició japonesa.
Les tapes del llibre, recovert de roba, i les pàgines cosides a mà conviden a endinsar-nos i a observar cadascun dels detalls amagats.
Delicat és tot ell.Pura artesania.
Una joia.
L´avi d´en Jeje era una bibliotecari d´una biblioteca al bell mig del bosc.
Un dia l´avi va deixar entrar en Jeje amb ell, i en Jeje va portar el seu petit peixet vermell.
Qualsevol cosa pot succeir dins de la biblioteca quan en Jeje queda adormit i... es desperta de sobte i s´adona que el seu peixet ha desaparegut.
En Jeje no s´ho pensa i decideix viatjar lluny..
This book seems very beautiful !
ResponEliminaIt is a real delight.