23 de jul. 2013

*m a g i c b e a c h* Crockett Johnson

m a g i c   b e a c h 
Crockett Johnson
Front Street, 2005

c a s t l e s  in the  s a n d 
( 1965 )

"I wouldn't mind if we were in a story", said Ann.
"Because people in stories don't go around all day looking for an old shell. Interesting things happen."

"Nothing really happen in a story". Said Ben.
"Stories are just words. And words are just letters.
And letters are just different kinds of marks."

Benvinguts infants i grans, un cop més, a la història traçada a la sorra, a aquella història que nosaltres més desitgem. 
Paraules escrites i personatges que apareixen.

Paraules i més paraules,
paraules esvaïdes per l'onada.
Fer i desfer l'aventura.
Enmig del mar, el bosc.
Muntanyes amunt, traç inacabat.
La marea arriba just per fer desaparèixer castells, reis i boscos...

"I wonder if there was time", said Ann.

"Time for what?,", said Ben.

"For a happy ending", said Ann.

"The tide came in too soon", said Ben.

The last castle tower had vanished. 
They gazed out across the unbroken sea.

( ... )




1 comentari:

  1. J'aime spontanéité et la belle naïveté de vos dessins et de vos mots...
    Gros bisous
