22 d’ag. 2014

DRAWINGS*Sylvia Plath

Sylvia Plath
faber and faber, 2013

                                                                    (Per a Irina R. V.)
Heus aquí, en aquest just instant, que començo a admirar el dibuix i la calma d'aquesta poetessa.
I brought, from my walk yesterday, 
a purple thistle and a dandelion cluster home with me, 
and drew them both in great and loving detail; 
I also did a rather bad drawing of a teapot and some chestnuts, 
but will improve with practice; 
it gives me  
such a sense of peace to draw; 
more than prayer, 
I can close myself completely in the line, 
lose myself in it. . . .
El 22 de març del 1958 Sylvia escriu una carta a la seva mare Aurelia:
I feel I'm developing a kind of primitive style of my own which I am very fond of. Wait til you see. The Cambridge sketch was nothing compared to these.' - See more at: http://faber.co.uk/catalog/sylvia-plath-drawings/9780571295210#sthash.EGwk58NV.dpuf
I feel I'm developing a kind of primitive of my own which I am very fond of. 
Wait til you see. 
The Cambridge sketch was nothing compared to these.
I mentre la seva poesia sacsejava i allunyava a lectors i lectores, els seus dibuixos, de menys transcendència, es mostren i s'editen recentment.
Drawings són escenes recordades traçades entre el 1955 i el 1957, en el moment en què se li concedeix una beca d'estudis a Newnham College de Cambridge (US), alhora que contrau matrimoni amb Ted Hughes i volten la seva "honeymoon" per diversos països:
Anglaterra, França, Espanya i els Estats Units. Quatre escenaris i detalls estilitzats.
Drawings from England
I can close myself completely in the line, lose myself in it...
                                  Cambridge: a View of Gables and Chimney-pots, c. 1955.

Drawings from France
Such a joy to have subtle, gray weather after the blank blazing sun.
Life is so much heightened by contrasts.
                                                                    Ted Hughes, 1956

                                                     Citronnade Stand in Tuileries, 1956

Drawings from Spain
Els dibuixos no caminen sols, Plath els acompanya amb cartes destinades a la mare, al seu estimat Ted, cartes i cartes i un diari personal completen aquests Drawings.
                                                              Carreró dels Gats, 1956

Drawings from The USA
                                                Boat off Rock Harbour, Cape Cod, c. 1957
L'any 1998 Ted Hughes descriu els Drawings de la Sylvia en un darrer poema:
Drawing calmed you. Your poker infernal pen
Was like a branding iron. Objects
Suffered into their new presence, tortured
Into final position. As you drew
I felt released, calm. Time opened
When you drew the market at Benidorm.
I sat near you, scribbling something.
Hours burned away. The stall-keepers
Kept coming to see you had them properly.
We sat on those steps in our rope-soles,
And were happy…”

I feel I'm developing a kind of primitive style of my own which I am very fond of. Wait til you see. The Cambridge sketch was nothing compared to these.' - See more at: http://faber.co.uk/catalog/sylvia-plath-drawings/9780571295210#sthash.EGwk58NV.dpuf

2 comentaris:

  1. S'obra l'ordinador poc a poc
    una il·lustració d'una llavor en una portada...
    descobriments, sensibilitat, delicadesa,
    una vaixella, penúltim post...
    Gràcies Stel·la,
