11 de juny 2009


L´ERIÇÓ , de l´argentí Gustavo Roldán.

Res per aquí Res per allà Res per menjar!

L´eriçó té gana, molta gana fins que troba alguna cosa per menjar però no està al seu abast. Li és impossible agafar les fruites de l´arbre tot sol...
L´eriçó molt enginyós, pensa la manera d´aconseguir-ho.

L´ús de dos colors: el negre i vermell, i el dinamisme i joc que s´estableixen entre ells, converteixen uns personatges simpàtics i expressius.

THE HEDGEHOG, by Argentinian Gustavo Roldán.
Published by Thule publisher.

There is Nothing here There is Nothing there There is Nothing to eat!

The little hedgehog is hungry, so hungry... till he finds something tasty to eat but he can´t reach it. It is no possible to take the fruit from the high tree...

The little hedgehog who is very smart think how to get the food.

In this book there are two main colors used for the illustrations: black and red, very suitable to create expressive and funny nice characters.

1 comentari:

  1. I hope this book will soon be translated and published in English! I love its appeling cover illustration (which I find very expressive) and it makes me want to see more. I'll ask Alvaro (one of my third grade students from Argentina) to get a copy for me this summer when he goes home #''-)
