1 de març 2009


CANÇONER INFANTIL is an accurate compilation of Catalan songs and lullabies for children. Through parents voice and songs , we help children establish links to the world. This is the way children should happily grow up, acquiring not only the language, but knowing and respecting their own CULTURE. The book is beautifuly illustrated in black and white by Noemí Villamuza.

I just recommend the book to parents and educators. It is essential not to forget the Catalan folklore and of course , any culture of the world, and to keep them alive!

CANÇONER INFANTIL és un recull de cançons infantils catalanes populars i tradicionals que han passat de generació en generació. Les hem escoltat a casa, a l´escola...

Aquest llibre està recomanat per a pares, mares, educadors. En ell hi trobareu més d´un centenar de cançonetes, acompanyades de les delicades il.lustracions de la Noemí Villamuza. Aquesta obra ens permetrà recordar i continuar amb la transmissió de cançons i nanes infantils catalanes. I així despertar en els més petits l´interès per la pròpia cultura!

3 comentaris:

  1. Hola, Stel.la! I think it sounds a great book. I do so agree about the importance of culture and love the idea of maintaining an interest in it through song.

  2. Hi, Stel.la! What a wonderful blog you have and I love the books you've highlighted on your blog! Culture is definitely important!

    All the best,
    Lori Calabrese

  3. I first saw this book on the shelf of my son's preschool classroom. They sing many of these songs and hand plays during class. I need to buy this book, so I can help more with my children's transition to going to school in Catalan.
